Sunday, 24 February 2013

Beyond Mind Quieting

Many of you already know what mind quieting is or at least understand the concept.  It is the practice of quieting and stopping all mind chatter in meditation so that we are prepared to connect with, perceive and integrate  higher information than our mind usually has access to.  Mind quieting allows us to be ready and also have space to BE more of ourselves, by ridding ourselves of the mental debris that usually gets in the way of experiencing our higher expression.  Mind quieting is a very important practice for those who intend to access and BE the New Paradigm since the NEW is simply a frequency, a new level of energy than we as humans have had access to in a very long time.  

In my own personal study of mind chatter I began to realize that if I paid attention to the content of the chatter it gave me great information about what was going on in my own personal process.  If I could not access what was "up" for me in another way I would listen to the chatter for clues about the lower frequency energies and belief systems that needed to be cleared next.  

Then I began to understand that because thoughts create our reality, if my mind chatter is rattling away all day every day, and it is all my subconscious "stuff" that is being expressed through that  ongoing dialogue, then I was recreating my life every day through the part of me that, really......well lets be honest about the subconscious mind....was not always taking the high road.   I am going to say this one again.  My life was being recreated daily...moment by moment, by the lowest, least conscious part of my consciousness.  Yikes!!

It was at this point that I really stepped up my mind quieting practice.  I always thought it was enough to spend time in meditation extending my "quiet" time.  I began to intend to hold and BE this quiet throughout my day.....for this experience of quiet to be my base line experience.  And throughout my day when I would become aware of the chatter I would continually go back to my base line and reset.  Then I would delete all thought forms and thought clusters from my physical body and energy field that were no longer beneficial or relevant to my higher experience and creation, and transmute them into a beneficial energy.  This clearing allows all creative momentum that was initiated through the chatter to be transformed instantly into a positive momentum.

The final dynamic of mind chatter that is particularly important at this time is the aspect of being connected and in relationship with our self.  Mind chatter is a repelling force away from our deep and intimate connection with self.  When our mind is going a mile a minute there is no space or time to feel ourselves, to connect with our guidance and to know, experience and respond to what is going on within.  Mind chatter is like an electro magnetic force preventing deep intimate contact with ourselves.  The energetic frequency of mind chatter is very low.  It is our bottom of the barrel stuff that we don't want to know about and is often so painful we don't allow it to surface.  When we allow mind chatter to flow through our minds like a mountain river at spring thaw, we allow a baseline of pain, fear and of disconnect to ourselves.   The consequence to that is a disconnect to our Source.  You see, to really, truly connect with Creator Source, our divine parent, our life force, we must be connected to ourselves.  We must be willing partners with ourselves....the human us and the divine us merged together as one, accepting and creating together, functioning as one, cohesive being.

Next time you are in meditation consider asking and intending to expand your mind quieting into every moment of your day and to fill your experience.  If you choose to add this expanded version of mind quieting to your practice you will not regret it.  Creating a NEW relationship with yourself will be the most rewarding experience you will ever have.  After all you really are pretty awesome.  I think so, you will think so, and I KNOW Creator thinks so as well.   As your relationship and intimacy with yourself continues to deepen the possibilities to expand into new realms expands as well.  

Until next time...have fun and stay connected. 

Monday, 18 February 2013

Relationships and Transition

A few years ago I began to write a book about transition.  I have always been involved in supporting humans to find their way after they have died and I felt the desire to continue this work.  When I write I have a clear contract for how it will go and I simply get into the beam and write what comes through me.  To my surprise this entire book was about attachment.  The biggest part of our challenge to moving peacefully and gracefully through transition and allowing others peace in their transition is our attachment to 3-D......things outside of ourselves.  Whether it is a spouse or other family members, friends, cars, clothes, houses, geographic location, unrealized dreams or our jobs, we all hang onto those reference points in our human reality and they give us comfort.   Those things define our reality.   What we are experiencing right now is the same process.  Whether we choose to continue to exist in physical form or not we are all transitioning from an old world to the NEW.  And, just like death we can't take our old stuff with us if we choose to be fully and completely in the NEW.  

What does that mean on a personal level and what on earth does this have to do with relationships?  Well, it has everything to do with relationships.  As we have moved through our lives we have bought into a collective programming that told us we will find our connection, and spiritual fulfillment and guidance through energetic connection to things, beings and thoughts on the horizontal plane.  Simply put, we look to what is around us that we can see to fill us with what we long for.  We create our comfort by attaching, connecting and placing meaning on the people and things around us that we are familiar with, and that most of the rest of humanity finds their comfort with as well.  We develop relationship focus that is outside ourselves and we become VERY uncomfortable when anything disrupts those reference points or we loose one of those things we are attached to.  

What is the solution?  Reestablish relationship with the self and seek comfort, guidance and reference points on the vertical plane rather than the horizontal.  When we continue to seek our stability from the horizontal plane (aka the 3-D world around us) we are seeking comfort, stability, guidance and divine connection in a place that is full of confusion, limitation and instability.  When we seek our comfort, stability, guidance and a divine connection on a vertical plane we must first develop a relationship with ourselves because we are the gateway to the comfort, stability and guidance we receive through our divine connection.  

As we move through this time that some call ascension, we are being called to pull out all the stops to master our human in this ever changing.......some days very quickly, reality.  The deeper our acknowledgement and connection to our own divinity the deeper our connection to our Divine Creator.  When we are using this place and aspects of our self for our reference points...our own Spirit Self, Spirit Family, Universal being, our connection to the being that created us, the frequency of Creator etc. we create a stability within our human that can withstand turmoil, loss, change or any other humanly perceived challenge.  Our connection through ourselves to Creator gives us the ability to raise our frequency to access the big picture, vision, and experience of a whole NEW WORLD with ease, grace and peace.