Another week has past and we are another week further into the New energies and the enactment of this stage of the Divine Plan. The intensity has calmed a bit for now. I am feeling that this is the great in breath, in preparation for what it to come. The Divine Plan holds a Divine formula that allows us to enact any number of scenarios and still stay within the plan. We are in the prep stages of the creation of a new world. A new world, that for the most part has no set agenda except to reconnect this sector back to its Divine roots, to reestablish a clean and clear flow of Divine energies between the Earth, the Centre of the Universe and everything between. What we, as humans do with that connection is yet to be seen.
Imagine for a moment that anything is possible. Imagine that we can create a utopia that is long since forgotten on this planet. Imagine that the potential for creation is almost beyond imagination. Where would you begin to create this new reality? For me it has to do with looking at myself. Who am I, and I mean really, WHO AM I? I am not talking about the titles placed on me by others, by my culture, my family, neighbours and friends. I am talking about the bigger me...the greater me. The me that is not simply a human but a greater being, with access to Universal wisdom and the big picture. Who is that me? We all have one. We are all grand beings with the potential for grand, Divine expressions.
How is it that we can be these grand being and yet have absolutely no idea what comes next or how we really, really want to spend our time? Well, that is simple. Life on planet Earth (like everywhere else) is a process. We have the opportunity to be fully sovereign beings with free will. This configuration allows us the possibility and potentiality for incredible consciousness expansion as individuals and as a collective. This unique opportunity will precipitate an evolutionary leap on this planet and have beneficial effects on the solar system, galaxy and Universe. All we need to do is continue the process of implanting our higher being into our human and enjoy the ride.
*This meditation is available in audio on the sidebar.
If you are going to read through the written version please read it very slowly, with your attention in your heart, with a quiet mind. Give yourself lots of time and pause often for the energies do their stuff. Take an extra long pause where I have inserted the (Pause).
Today we are going to do a mediation that will allow a deeper integration and experience of ourselves. So, begin by sitting upright with your feet flat on the floor and get comfortable. Relax your body. At your own pace take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. At your own pace continue taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Quite your mind, release your mind chatter and choose to have a silent mind. Release any tension in your forehead and around your third eye. Choose to release any ideas about the outcome of this meditation and your chosen life path. Release the tension in your neck and shoulders as you continue to take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Intend to release all the tension in your physical body and your cells, and imaging all that tension being released out through your exhale. One last time take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
We ask and we intend to create a sacred space
We ask and intend that our Spirit Self, Spirit Family and our Divine Creator all be present with us and help us to create and maintain this very sacred, comfortable and Divine space.
We ask and we intend that all distracting and misaligned energies be banned from this experience and space now.
We ask and intent and invite Archangel Michael to be present with us to help us support the maintenance of this sacred space so that we can enact our own sovereignty as Divine beings living on this beautiful planet.
We ask and intend to release all mind chatter, to achieve complete mind silence, to align our mind channels with zero point frequency and the cosmic mind
We ask and intend today to merge with our Divine Creator, the aspect of Divine Father that we are as humans, the aspect of Divine Father that allows us to fully embrace our being, all of who we are and express that in this reality in this physical body.
We ask and we intend to be a pure, clear, clean expression of Source frequency and that this expression be our own, be our own unique Divine formula, be our own Higher being in the way that is most aligned for us to express in this time and space
And so it is. (Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.)
Now imagine yourself standing in a large ball of light. This ball of light is golden and it contains a deep, deep purple inside it. It is almost the colour of a deep, dark eggplant. Now taking your attention to your heart centre feel your heart expand out and fill this ball of light. Now imagine that you become a column of light and it travels upward. You still remain in your own geographic location in this ball of light, but the column of light that is you is traveling upward, through the solar system, through the galaxy and through to the galactic core, through space and connecting in with the centre of the Universe, merging with the centre of the Universe. Intend now to experience the aspect of yourself that resides at the Universal core. This is the part of you that remains as Creator. Feel that part of you. Experience yourself as Divine, as magnificent, as grand. (Pause) Now bringing your attention back to your heart centre imagined a zero point there, a little vortex, and imagine bringing and experiencing this Divine frequency and Divine energy in your heart centre at the place of this zero point. Imagine this same energy, this same feeling, this same light that is at the centre of the Universe, imagine it spilling out of this zero point at your heart centre. Feel it spilling into your physical body and feel how your cells respond, the cells of your physical being, of your physical body. As your body continues to fill up with this light energy, this aspect of yourself feel it. Know that it is you. (Pause) Intend to release the fear of being a Divine being. Choose this opportunity to once and for all release the things that stand in your way of being this Divine expression, of being a Divine aspect of your Creator and Divine Father. Want it, feel your desire to release the energies that stand in your way. Feel it in every cell of your body. Choose it now. Choose a new way of being and experiencing yourself. (Pause) Feel what is happening in your cells as you release this energy and accept the integration of your Higher being into your body. (Pause) Feel now this column of light that continues to be connected to the centre of the Universe. Feel how integrated it is into your own being. Feel how much more powerful this column of light is as you have accepted more of yourself, more of your Divinity. You have accepted more fully the experience of being Divine, of being an aspect of Creator and Divine Father. You have accepted more fully your Divine role and the contract and agreement you have to be on this planet at this time. Experience all these things, and feel the magnificence of your own being. (Pause) Bring your attention back to the golden sphere of light, and then back to your heart centre. Bring that energy, the awareness, and consciousness of your experience down through your physical body, down through the bottoms of your feet and anchor it deeply and powerfully into the earth. Intend now to move forward in your day with your attention in your heart so you can access this part of you at will. This is the access point to your higher being and to your Connection to Creator..through your heart. Now if you would like to stay in this energy please continue to sit with your attention in your heart, keep your mind silent, integrate the energies that you have experienced. And at any time during your day you can remember back to this point and experience, take your attention to your heart centre and remember this experience, what it feels like to be fully merged with Creator and to Know that is you. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Thank you