Everything is speeding up. It seems like the day is over in the blink of an eye and yet yesterday seems like two weeks ago. As we continue to navigate these interesting times everything is morphing, shuffling, becoming bigger or smaller. What we have yet to clear is also being highlighted with what seems like the most vibrant, metaphoric, neon marker I have ever seen. Over and over in the last week or so, everywhere I turn there is the story of the victim. Most of us flip back and forth between victim and perpetrator...not necessarily in the big sense...but in subtle and insidious ways. Children who never get what they want for dinner, the spouse who has a deep longing to move but stays because of what their partner wants, the lonely child in the school yard, the lonely marriage, the dissatisfied stay at home mom, the ending of a relationship one part continues to want.....all these things hold the frequency of victimhood and victimization.
I did a dictionary search of different variations of the word victim. Interestingly the word sacrifice was included in some of the definitions. Often we feel that the victim is powerless but the word sacrifice is far more generous and accurate I think. When I think of sacrifice I think of the person or so called victim as having a choice in the matter. In our modern culture though, the victim is usually a powerless and weak being who may not have enough wits about them to do anything about their plight. I believe the key to collectively stepping out of the haunted forest and allowing ourselves to be empowered rather than be tormented by the lions, tigers and bears is to recognize that we are all willing participants, on some level of the subconscious collective victimhood/perpetrator programming.
I do want to be clear here. I am not talking about this from a human drama perspective or speaking specifically about extreme cases of abuse or violence. I am speaking about a frequency of energy that we engage in as humans. We are all exposed to it because it exists in the collective. As humans with human bodies we experience what ever the collective feels. That is simply part of the human experience at this time. For some, this is precisely where this feeling of victimhood begins, in the feeling of everyone else stuff. Where there is victim energy there is fear. These two energies rarely go out alone.
It can become very uncomfortable feeling the collective tide. The ebb and flow, the highs and lows, the expansion and contraction of a massive group of beings experiencing a massive range of emotional states of being, is at times overwhelming. It is really great during the highs, but lets face it there are not that many of them in the collective. But being pulled into the lows of a collective that holds the negative programming that currently exists on planet earth, feels, well, pretty bad. Since it is most efficient and effective to maintain a focus on ourselves, what can we do about that as individuals?
First off, make choices about your surroundings or what types of energies you expose yourself to.
~ choose your friends carefully
~ walk away from discussions or interactions that are negative and feel bad
~ turn off the radio and TV (especially the news)
Secondly, choose to surround yourself with things and activities that feel good and allow you to maintain a positive state of mind. Simply put, if it doesn't feel good, don't do it. Now is the time, this is the place. Start to do something that makes you feel fantastic. We are moving into a time where our higher being is LONGING to be expressed. Not that we did not have this longing in the past, but we are now clear enough to really do it. Do something creative, anything. Many are finding that writing is a great place to begin but if you have ever really wanted to do anything just make it happen for yourself. If you have been honest and true with yourself about what this longing is, you will never regret it. Be willing to release all the negative attachments, all the fears and feelings of being victimized that keep you bungeed in one place and begin to live.
I have included a short meditation today that will help you to get into the space to create and be creative....to connect with your Higher Being and link that part of you with the part of you who is here....mastering the human condition. Doing this will propel you forward, and give you momentum to make more positive changes, as well as make you feel GREAT! If you choose to read through the meditation, read it v e r y slowly with a pause after each statement so that the energies have time to set into place and give yourself time to imagine each statement manifesting. Take an extra long pause where I have inserted the word (Pause).
*Audio version of the meditation is available in the sidebar
So, sit up in a comfortable position, with your feet flat on the floor and begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. (Pause. At your own pace continue taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth until you feel peaceful and expanded, have relaxed and quieted your mind.)
We ask and intend to create a very sacred space.
We ask and intend that our Spirit Self, Spirit Family and Divine Creator all be present with us to help us create and maintain this very sacred, clear and clean space.
We ask and intend that all misaligned and distracting energies be banned from our experience and sacred space now.
We ask and intend to quiet our minds, to achieve complete mind silence, align our mind channels with zero point frequency and the Cosmic Mind.
We ask and intend to merge perfectly with Divine Creator, and to become the energy of Divine Father here in our physical bodies as a clear, clean and precise expression of this energetic frequency.
We ask and intend today to embody and express more deeply our own higher being, the aspect of ourselves that resides eternally with Creator, the aspect of our self that is Creator.
Our intent today is to express this part of our being through the most aligned method for each of us. To receive guidance and information about the way we can each express joyfully our higher aspect through our physical bodies and align ourselves to do that clearly with ease and grace.
And so it it. (Take a deep breath in through the nose and our through the mouth)
Now imagine a large ball of light above your head. This ball of light is approximately 12 feet in diameter. It is a golden, almost electrical type of light. The ball is not full but simply there are currents running in different directions over the surface and within this ball. This light is Divine, it is a frequency sent to you for you, from the centre of the Universe. It holds the Divine Principle of Beauty. Now imagine this ball of light coming down and your physical body being held in the centre of the ball. You simply float in the middle of the ball of light, not quite like a no gravity floating but like the energy of the ball providing a form for you to exist and be supported within. Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth. Now go to your heart centre and feel there the energy that is flowing through this centre. This is the energy of your creative expression. This is your own Divine connection that is waiting to be directed into what ever form you choose. Now keeping your attention in your heart ask yourself without shifting to your mind, ask your heart, ask this expression of energy what is the most aligned and joyful way to express this energy for you at this time. (Give yourself lots of time for the information to unfold. If you don't get anything clearly know that the information is there, and has been assimilated for you to discern at a later time) Now bring your focus onto your physical body and anchor the energy deeply, down into the earth. Intend to be present and focused. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and open your eyes.
*Note: you can do the beginning of this meditation and bring in the ball of light anytime you would like to prepare yourself and re-merge with these creative energies for the creative expression of your choice.
Thank you, until next time....
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