Saturday, 23 July 2011


I feel a wave of energy that is bringing to our attention the issue of the addictions we have in our lives.  I have been feeling this and thinking about it all week and when I did my daily, cursory check on the world news this morning and saw the headline that Amy Winehouse had died I really could not keep this as a passive thought anymore.

Addictions are present as part of our culture…pretty much every culture on the planet.  It is part of our cultural programming.  Many addictions are at best accepted and at worst encouraged by our surroundings.   Addictions are directly related to neediness and the feeling that we are not whole.  We seek out things, people or tasks that give us the illusion, temporarily that we are complete and okay.  We need to stuff a stimulant inside our emptiness to ease the pain.  Commonly addictive substances are things such as alcohol and drugs, but we can also be addicted to things such as relationships, sex, so called love, video games, exercise, specific emotions, life drama, chaos, shopping, etc. and we can even be addicted to the idea of a thing.  

Today I would like to share a meditation that will support clearing the energetic ties we have to our addictions as well as support the realignment of our habitual patterns that keep us goin’ back. 

Read through the text slowly with a pause at the end of each line until you experience the intent behind the words.  Pause a little longer where I have inserted the word pause.  You must give the energy time to manifest.  Each statement or thought holds a formula/program and when read activates the program to create what is being requested or intended completely, fully and without hesitation.  Don’t worry if you don’t completely understand what is being stated or if the grammar sounds odd….just trust that things will unfold as they should.  The mechanism is the energy flowing through the words and sometimes for maximum effect they flow in a way that we are not used to.

Please begin by simply relaxing and taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Continue taking these deep and relaxing breaths until you begin to experience each breath becoming more deep, slow and you enter into a state of relaxation.

I ask and intend to create a sacred space.
I ask and intend for my Spirit Family, Spirit Self and my Divine Creator to be present with me and help me to create and maintain this very sacred, clear and aligned space
I ask and intend that my Spirit Self be present to guide and direct this healing so that it will be powerful and aligned.
I ask and intend that all distracting energies and thoughts be banned from my experience and my sacred space now.
I ask and intend to release all mind chatter, completely quiet my mind and align my mind channels with zero point frequency and the Cosmic Mind
I ask and intend to clear to the root cause all energies and programs that cause me to be addicted or express addictive behaviour or personality traits in a safe and comfortable way.
I ask and intend to merge with my Divine Creator and become the aspect of Divine Father I truly am, as an expression of pure Divinity in human form.
And so it is.
(Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through the mouth)

Now imagine standing in a ball of light approx 12 ft from your physical body.
This ball of light is filled with very highly charged golden light.  This light has a slightly glowing quality and has golden light filaments throughout.  (Stay there for a moment with your attention of this sphere and the golden light within) 

This light energy is a Divine formula.  It holds the formula of wholeness…of human wholeness. (Pause)

 It is a support to your physical body and energy systems.  It holds the template, the program and energy that allows us to feel complete, to connect with the part of us that is whole and complete.  (Pause) 

Keeping your attention on the light within the sphere notice how your physical cells and muscles are being affected.  Notice the strengthening and supporting feeling that contact with this Divine frequency is causing.  Notice and allow every cell in your physical body to begin to feel whole, aligned centered.  Notice how your cells are changing as they remember this program,  they remember how they were originally designed to be and how they are finding their way home.    Notice every organ releasing the old programs of addiction, the programs that allowed us to feel as though we are not complete and programs that have us believing we are not Divine or true aspects of Divine Father.  (Pause)

Watch the debris of these old programs float away and be transmuted into new and beneficial energy, a natural and effortless part of the Universal recycling program.  (Pause) 

Now feel yourself right to the core.  Feel these new programs.  Feel what it is like inside your body to feel whole and complete.  Feel how it feels to be merged with Divine Father and Creator in a place where duality does not exist.  Feel in your belly and right down to your abdominal floor how these new programs feel, how they allow you to be and experience completion and wholeness.  (Pause)

Now imagine yourself expanding out, (pause) through the earth grid, (pause) through the planetary system, (pause)  through to the galactic core (pause) and through to the center of the Universe.   (pause)

(Read very slowly and only move on when you are experiencing and feeling it)  Imagine your belly is at the center of the universe and the giant ball of light that is Creator inside your belly.  Imagine your head is at one side of the Universe and your feet at the other.  (pause)  Feel within you the enormity of the energy contained within your belly.  (pause)  Feel the magnificence.  Feel the Divinity, (pause)  Feel the Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Love, Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience.  Feel the frequency of those principles, the quality contained within those principles within your physical body.  Feel them filling your entire physical body.  Imagine every cell, every particle of your being infused with these divine principles.  Feel how it is you…how these principles are you.  Feel how they are complete and cohesive with your own formula.  Feel how amazing these principles feel within you and feel the joy when your cells remember that this is what they are made from.  That this is the substance of their design.  Feel how each cell feels to remember this place…to finally have access to these Divine formulas and principles….to know they finally have the option to hold this state of being and remembrance at all times.  This is home, this is how things are meant to be.  Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.  (sit with your attention on this experience for a moment)

Now slowly begin to return through space, to the galactic core,  (pause)  Travel toward our sector and planetary system, (pause) toward earth and slowly back into your physical body.  (pause)  Bring your attention to your heart, and hold it there for a few seconds.  Now take your attention down through your body, anchoring the energy down into the core of the earth.  Whenever you are ready, open your eyes.  Sit in this energy for as long as you can for max benefit

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