Monday, 5 September 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh, my! - The Subtlety of Victim and Victimization

Everything is speeding up.  It seems like the day is over in the blink of an eye and yet yesterday seems like two weeks ago.  As we continue to navigate these interesting times everything is morphing, shuffling, becoming bigger or smaller.  What we have yet to clear is also being highlighted with what seems like the most vibrant, metaphoric, neon marker I have ever seen.  Over and over in the last week or so, everywhere I turn there is the story of the victim.  Most of us flip back and forth between victim and perpetrator...not necessarily in the big sense...but in subtle and insidious ways.  Children who never get what they want for dinner, the spouse who has a deep longing to move but stays because of what their partner wants, the lonely child in the school yard, the lonely marriage, the dissatisfied stay at home mom, the ending of a relationship one part continues to want.....all these things hold the frequency of victimhood and victimization.

I did a dictionary search of different variations of the word victim.  Interestingly the word sacrifice was included in some of the  definitions.  Often we feel that the victim is powerless but the word sacrifice is far more generous and accurate I think.  When I think of sacrifice I think of the person or so called victim as having a choice in the matter.  In our modern culture though, the victim is usually a powerless and weak being who may not have enough wits about them to do anything about their plight.  I believe the key to collectively stepping out of the haunted forest and allowing ourselves to be empowered rather than be tormented by the lions, tigers and bears is to recognize that we are all willing participants, on some level of the subconscious collective victimhood/perpetrator programming. 

I do want to be clear here.  I am not talking about this from a human drama perspective or speaking specifically about extreme cases of abuse or violence.  I am speaking about a frequency of energy that we engage in as humans.  We are all exposed to it because it exists in the collective.  As humans with human bodies we experience what ever the collective feels.  That is simply part of the human experience at this time.  For some, this is precisely where this feeling of victimhood begins, in the feeling of everyone else stuff.  Where there is victim energy there is fear.  These two energies rarely go out alone.   

It can become very uncomfortable feeling the collective tide.  The ebb and flow, the highs and lows, the expansion and contraction of a massive group of beings experiencing a massive range of emotional states of being, is at times overwhelming.  It is really great during the highs, but lets face it there are not that many of them in the collective.  But being pulled into the lows of a collective that holds the negative programming that currently exists on planet earth, feels, well, pretty bad.  Since it is most efficient and effective to maintain a focus on ourselves, what can we do about that as individuals? 

First off, make choices about your surroundings or what types of energies you expose yourself to. 
~ choose your friends carefully
~ walk away from discussions or interactions that are negative and feel bad
~ turn off the radio and TV (especially the news)

Secondly, choose to surround yourself with things and activities that feel good and allow you to maintain a positive state of mind.  Simply put, if it doesn't feel good, don't do it.  Now is the time, this is the place.  Start to do something that makes you feel fantastic.  We are moving into a time where our higher being is LONGING to be expressed.  Not that we did not have this longing in the past, but we are now clear enough to really do it.  Do something creative, anything.  Many are finding that writing is a great place to begin but if you have ever really wanted to do anything just make it happen for yourself.  If you have been honest and true with yourself about what this longing is, you will never regret it.  Be willing to release all the negative attachments, all the fears and feelings of being victimized that keep you bungeed in one place and begin to live.

I have included a short meditation today that will help you to get into the space to create and be connect with your Higher Being and link that part of you with the part of you who is here....mastering the human condition.  Doing this will propel you forward, and give you momentum to make more positive changes, as well as make you feel GREAT!  If you choose to read through the meditation, read it  v e r y  slowly with a pause after each statement so that the energies have time to set into place and give yourself time to imagine each statement manifesting.  Take an extra long pause where I have inserted the word (Pause).

*Audio version of the meditation is available in the sidebar

So, sit up in a comfortable position, with your feet flat on the floor and begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. (Pause.  At your own pace continue taking deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth until you feel peaceful and expanded, have relaxed and quieted your mind.)

We ask and intend to create a very sacred space.

We ask and intend that our Spirit Self, Spirit Family and Divine Creator all be present with us to help us create and maintain this very sacred, clear and clean space.

We ask and intend that all misaligned and distracting energies be banned from our experience and sacred space now.

We ask and intend to quiet our minds, to achieve complete mind silence, align our mind channels with zero point frequency and the Cosmic Mind.

We ask and intend to merge perfectly with Divine Creator, and to become the energy of Divine Father here in our physical bodies as a clear, clean and precise expression of this energetic frequency. 

We ask and intend today to embody and express more deeply our own higher being, the aspect of ourselves that resides eternally with Creator, the aspect of our self that is Creator.

Our intent today is to express this part of our being through the most aligned method for each of us.  To receive guidance and information about the way we can each express joyfully our higher aspect through our physical bodies and align ourselves to do that clearly with ease and grace.
And so it it.  (Take a deep breath in through the nose and our through the mouth)

Now imagine a large ball of light above your head.  This ball of light is approximately 12 feet in diameter.  It is a golden, almost electrical type of light.  The ball is not full but simply there are currents running in different directions over the surface and within this ball.  This light is Divine, it is a frequency sent to you for you, from the centre of the Universe.  It holds the Divine Principle of Beauty.  Now imagine this ball of light coming down and your physical body being held in the centre of the ball.  You simply float in the middle of the ball of light, not quite like a no gravity floating but like the energy of the ball providing a form for you to exist and be supported within.  Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Now go to your heart centre and feel there the energy that is flowing through this centre.  This is the energy of your creative expression.  This is your own Divine connection that is waiting to be directed into what ever form you choose.  Now keeping your attention in your heart ask yourself without shifting to your mind, ask your heart, ask this expression of energy what is the most aligned and joyful way to express this energy for you at this time.  (Give yourself lots of time for the information to unfold.  If you don't get anything clearly know that the information is there, and has been assimilated for you to discern at a later time)   Now bring your focus onto your physical body and anchor the energy deeply, down into the earth.  Intend to be present and focused.  Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and open your eyes.

*Note:  you can do the beginning of this meditation and bring in the ball of light anytime you would like to prepare yourself and re-merge with these creative energies for the creative expression of your choice.

Thank you, until next time....

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Prep Work

Another week has past and we are another week further into the New energies and the enactment of this stage of the Divine Plan.  The intensity has calmed a bit for now.  I am feeling that this is the great in breath, in preparation for what it to come.  The Divine Plan holds a Divine formula that allows us to enact any number of scenarios and still stay within the plan.  We are in the prep stages of the creation of a new world.  A new world, that for the most part has no set agenda except to reconnect this sector back to its Divine roots, to reestablish a clean and clear flow of Divine energies between the Earth, the Centre of the Universe and everything between.  What we, as humans do with that connection is yet to be seen.

Imagine for a moment that anything is possible.  Imagine that we can create a utopia that is long since forgotten on this planet.  Imagine that the potential for creation is almost beyond imagination.  Where would you begin to create this new reality?  For me it has to do with looking at myself.  Who am I, and I mean really, WHO AM I?  I am not talking about the titles placed on me by others, by my culture, my family, neighbours and friends.  I am talking about the bigger me...the greater me.   The me that is not simply a human but a greater being, with access to Universal wisdom and the big picture.  Who is that me?  We all have one.  We are all grand beings with the potential for grand, Divine expressions.

How is it that we can be these grand being and yet have absolutely no idea what comes next or how we really, really want to spend our time?  Well, that is simple.  Life on planet Earth (like everywhere else) is a process.  We have the opportunity to be fully sovereign beings with free will.  This configuration allows us the possibility and potentiality for incredible consciousness expansion as individuals and as a collective.  This unique opportunity will precipitate an evolutionary leap on this planet and have beneficial effects on the solar system, galaxy and Universe.  All we need to do is continue the process of implanting our higher being into our human and enjoy the ride. 

*This meditation is available in audio on the sidebar. 

If you are going to read through the written version please read it very slowly, with your attention in your heart, with a quiet mind.  Give yourself lots of time and pause often for the energies do their stuff.  Take an extra long pause where I have inserted the (Pause).

Today we are going to do a mediation that will allow a deeper integration and experience of ourselves.  So, begin by sitting upright with your feet flat on the floor and get comfortable.   Relax your body.  At your own pace take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.  At your own pace continue taking a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.  Quite your mind, release your mind chatter and choose to have a silent mind.  Release any tension in your forehead and around your third eye.  Choose to release any ideas about the outcome of this meditation and your chosen life path.  Release the tension in your neck and shoulders as you continue to take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Intend to release all the tension in your physical body and your cells, and imaging all that tension being released out through your exhale.   One last time take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

We ask and we intend to create a sacred space

We ask and intend that our Spirit Self, Spirit Family and our Divine Creator all be present with us and help us to create and maintain this very sacred, comfortable and Divine space.

We ask and we intend that all distracting and misaligned energies be banned from this experience and space now.

We ask and intent and invite Archangel Michael to be present with us to help us support the maintenance of this sacred space so that we can enact our own sovereignty as Divine beings living on this beautiful planet.

We ask and intend to release all mind chatter, to achieve complete mind silence, to align our mind channels with zero point frequency and the cosmic mind

We ask and intend today to merge with our Divine Creator, the aspect of Divine Father that we are as humans, the aspect of Divine Father that allows us to fully embrace our being, all of who we are and express that in this reality in this physical body.

We ask and we intend to be a pure, clear, clean expression of Source frequency and that this expression be our own, be our own unique Divine formula, be our own Higher being in the way that is most aligned for us to express in this time and space

And so it is.   (Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.)

Now imagine yourself standing in a large ball of light.  This ball of light is golden and it contains a deep, deep purple inside it.  It is almost the colour of a deep, dark eggplant.  Now taking your attention to your heart centre feel your heart expand out and fill this ball of light.  Now imagine that you become a column of light and it travels upward.  You still remain in your own geographic location in this ball of light, but the column of light that is you is traveling upward, through the solar system, through the galaxy and through to the galactic core, through space and connecting in with the centre of the Universe, merging with the centre of the Universe.  Intend now to experience the aspect of yourself that resides at the Universal core.  This is the part of you that remains as Creator.  Feel that part of you.  Experience yourself as Divine, as magnificent, as grand.  (Pause)  Now bringing your attention back to your heart centre imagined a zero point there, a little vortex, and imagine bringing and experiencing this Divine frequency and Divine energy in your heart centre at the place of this zero point.  Imagine this same energy, this same feeling, this same light that is at the centre of the Universe, imagine it spilling out of this zero point at your heart centre.  Feel it spilling into your physical body and feel how your cells respond, the cells of your physical being, of your physical body.  As your body continues to fill up with this light energy, this aspect of yourself feel it.  Know that it is you.  (Pause)  Intend to release the fear of being a Divine being.  Choose this opportunity to once and for all release the things that stand in your way of being this Divine expression, of being a Divine aspect of your Creator and Divine Father.  Want it, feel your desire to release the energies that stand in your way.  Feel it in every cell of your body.  Choose it now.  Choose a new way of being and experiencing yourself.  (Pause)  Feel what is happening in your cells as you release this energy and accept the integration of your Higher being into your body.  (Pause)  Feel now this column of light that continues to be connected to the centre of the Universe.  Feel how integrated it is into your own being.  Feel how much more powerful this column of light is as you have accepted more of yourself, more of your Divinity.  You have accepted more fully the experience of being Divine, of being an aspect of Creator and Divine Father.  You have accepted more fully your Divine role and the contract and agreement you have to be on this planet at this time.  Experience all these things, and feel the magnificence of your own being.  (Pause)  Bring your attention back to the golden sphere of light, and then back to your heart centre.  Bring that energy, the awareness, and consciousness of your experience down through your physical body, down through the bottoms of your feet and anchor it deeply and powerfully into the earth.  Intend now to move forward in your day with your attention in your heart so you can access this part of you at will.  This is the access point to your higher being and to your Connection to Creator..through your heart.   Now if you would like to stay in this energy please continue to sit with your attention in your heart, keep your mind silent, integrate the energies that you have experienced.  And at any time during your day you can remember back to this point and experience, take your attention to your heart centre and remember this experience, what it feels like to be fully merged with Creator and to Know that is you.  Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Thank you

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

The Art of Being

These times are becoming more and more challenging to navigate as a human and we are being called to pull out all the stops in our quest for human mastery.  Many of us are feeling the shifting movements of the earth - geophysical and electromagnetic adjustments in our physical bodies or through our emotions, aka aches, pains, chest congestion, headaches, moodiness, confusion, irrational thought and behaviour.  Fear not, these are only symptoms of our planet and cosmos undergoing a massive change and we as humans are participating in this change.  Our physical bodies, relationships and lives all need to make this shift with us.  We are the driving force of this movement.  It is through our request to Creator that this change is coming and an opportunity for an evolutionary leap is upon us. 

So, what does that mean to us?  How do we continue to navigate when it seems like the rules are being constantly changed and what worked last week does not work this week.  How is it that we used to be able to create or perceive (or anything for that matter) one way and now it seems like all that has changed.  Simply put, we are in a New reality.   Around the first of July we turned a corner…and I mean really turned a corner.  We are now sitting firmly in the early days of the New Earth reality and what a relief that is!!  I feel like this is the time I have been waiting for all my life.  When I place my attention on the NEW it is like I can breathe and that gasping, choking feeling I have had all my life is gone.  When I look I can see colours with a depth that has never been there before.  But most importantly when I connect to Creator I feel a connection that I have never experienced in this reality before.  I had this feeling as a memory.  I have longed to feel it again.  There have been times, many times when I have despaired that I could not find it and feel it, but it is here, now.  We have turned a collective corner.  Everything is falling into place, the bulk of the clearing for the first wave of beings ushering in this New time is done and we can finally feel home.  And I mean really feel home, right here, right now! 

Home is here and it is here to stay.  The grid is in its final stages and the energy is just flowing in.  We have energies here on this planet now that have never been seen or felt here before.  We are living on a blank slate with the support of the some of the greatest beings in all the Universes as well as Creator Source and Universal Father.  These beings are here to be the inspiration to our paint and brushes, to create a New reality the likes of which has never been seen before …anywhere!  So, put on your smock, roll up your sleeves and get ready to get dirty.  The fun has just begun. 

Here are some tips before we get started into the meditation portion to help transit and navigate these new energies and realities with comfort, grace and ease.  We have moved into a time that sees us in a whole new configuration.  We were rewired recently and have shifted from being brain thinkers to heart thinkers.  The result of this is that if you have your energy in your head….if you are trying to think things out…..if you are worried or concerned…..if you are trying to solve problems you either have or don’t yet have, in your head, it will very likely result in quite a bit of confusion.  If you find yourself in this state here is what I would suggest.

·      STOP. 
·      Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Do this as many times as you need to until you begin to feel a sense of peace.
·      Take your attention to your Heart and keep it there.
·      FEEL, FEEL, FEEL.
·      Be willing to let go of what ever was going on in your head and consider the possibility that it is not even a problem when you are in your heart.
·      TRUST.

Remember that if your attention is not in your heart, if you can’t FEEL what is going on in your heart, you do not have the vast wealth of wisdom or the connection to Creator and your higher being this place so naturally and gracefully gives to you.

Note on the meditation -  I would like to share that usually my meditations involve some kind of clearing or healing before it is possible for the new energy frequencies to integrate.  I continue to observe with interest how there is no clearing necessary with this process.  It is simply a different way of doing things, a change in habitual ways that has incredible results.

Heart Center Meditation – also available in audio at the sidebar

Please sit up straight, with your feet on the floor and begin by taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  At your own pace continue taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Intend to relax your physical body.   Intend to release the tension in your forehead and skull.    Release the tension in your jaw.  Take your attention down into your body and feel it, finding any spots of tension that need to be released or an area that simply needs to relax.  (Continue taking deep and cleansing breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth until you feel relaxed and a sense of peace.)

We ask and intend to create a sacred space. 

We ask and intend that our Spirit Self, our Spirit Family and our Divine Creator be present to help us create and maintain this very sacred and safe place.

We ask and intend that all distracting and confusing energies be banned from our experience and our sacred space now.

We ask and intend to quiet our minds, to achieve complete and utter mind silence, align our mind channels with zero point frequency and the Cosmic mind.

We ask and intend to connect deeply and powerfully with Creator to become the aspect of Divine Father we truly are and express divinity through our physical bodies.

Our intent today is to realign our habitual patterns of directing energy in our bodies and to experience a new way of accessing information within ourselves so that we can move forward to create our New lives and reality completely out of the New Earth matrix in joy, ease, grace and with a deep and powerful love that is our birthright.
And So It Is

Now take your attention to your heart center.  Sit there for a moment and feel what it is that you experience.  (Pause.)  Keeping your attention in your heart try and discern what it is that you are feeling.  Not in a cognitive way but in a sensation way.  (Pause.)  In this place you have access to instant connection with Creator.  (Pause.)  Now, notice that very slowly a sphere of light is growing out of your heart.  The center remains the center of your heart but the sphere grows larger.  Feel and experience this sphere as it slowly grows (Pause)  expanding to include more of your physical body.  (Pause.)  Now it continues to grow until it is approximately 14 feet from your physical body.  Contained within this sphere is your creative potential that resides at Source.  Your entire potential is not contained within this sphere but consider it like a fish bowl with the pump/filter being the zero pt that resides in the center of your heart.  This zero pt is constantly circulating new creative potential straight from the aspect of yourself that resides at Source….the aspect of you that is Creator.  Feel this creative potential spilling out of your heart and filling this sphere.  Feel these energies.  This is a gift you have given your self.   This is your own unique and Divine expression of unlimited potential.  This is the energy and the potentiality of fulfilling your heart’s desires.  This is your own unique and Divine expression.  Feel it through your entire body.  (Pause)  Experience this and intend to remember it on a cellular level.  This is always with you…it is part of you… it is how Divine Father expresses through you…this is your Divinity.  There is no separation in this place.  (Pause)  Feel how inside your body, emanating from your physical body, using your body as an expression on the Earth is Creator.  You are this Divine being.  Feel and experience from this place how the programs that give the illusion of separation simply do not exist.   Feel how easy it is from this place to be your Divine Self.   Feel the truth of this place and feel your ability to command your own experience….to choose your own reality……to create from this place with a multitude of Divine creative juices what ever it is that you really want.  Notice how what you want is not about material possessions or excesses but about love, beauty and grace……what ever it is that is aligned with your heart’s desires with full and limitless potential.  You are the Master of your own dominion in every moment.  From this place you can immediately release struggle and find peace.  This is the dawn of a new era and you are here to usher it in.

Now go to your body and feel inside your body.  Notice what you feel.  (pause)  Feel how your cells have begun to resonate with the energy within this sphere.  Intend to notice how it feels to have this kind of body awareness and intend, if you choose, to implant in your memory the importance of this feeling in your navigation process.  (pause)  Notice the wisdom in the cells.  Feel into it and see what it is that you experience when you ask your self if it is beneficial to be aware to this degree of what is happening within your body.    Make a choice now about how you want to access the information your body has for you.  Intend to hold more and more body awareness.  (Pause)  Commit to your body to feel it so you can have access fully and completely to your own body wisdom.  (Pause)

Take your attention to your heart (pause) and then down through your physical body and out through the bottom of your feet.  Implant the knowing and wisdom you have gained about yourself deeply into the earth so these programs and potentialities are available to others.
Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.    Now as you sit in this energy remember the feeling and sensations within your body and within your energy field.  Ask to take this experience forward with you so that it may support your choices in creation as you navigate this very exciting time on this planet.
And So It Is

The longer you can sit in this energy the more fully it will entrain your cells and energetic systems.  Thank you.

Saturday, 23 July 2011


I feel a wave of energy that is bringing to our attention the issue of the addictions we have in our lives.  I have been feeling this and thinking about it all week and when I did my daily, cursory check on the world news this morning and saw the headline that Amy Winehouse had died I really could not keep this as a passive thought anymore.

Addictions are present as part of our culture…pretty much every culture on the planet.  It is part of our cultural programming.  Many addictions are at best accepted and at worst encouraged by our surroundings.   Addictions are directly related to neediness and the feeling that we are not whole.  We seek out things, people or tasks that give us the illusion, temporarily that we are complete and okay.  We need to stuff a stimulant inside our emptiness to ease the pain.  Commonly addictive substances are things such as alcohol and drugs, but we can also be addicted to things such as relationships, sex, so called love, video games, exercise, specific emotions, life drama, chaos, shopping, etc. and we can even be addicted to the idea of a thing.  

Today I would like to share a meditation that will support clearing the energetic ties we have to our addictions as well as support the realignment of our habitual patterns that keep us goin’ back. 

Read through the text slowly with a pause at the end of each line until you experience the intent behind the words.  Pause a little longer where I have inserted the word pause.  You must give the energy time to manifest.  Each statement or thought holds a formula/program and when read activates the program to create what is being requested or intended completely, fully and without hesitation.  Don’t worry if you don’t completely understand what is being stated or if the grammar sounds odd….just trust that things will unfold as they should.  The mechanism is the energy flowing through the words and sometimes for maximum effect they flow in a way that we are not used to.

Please begin by simply relaxing and taking a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.  Continue taking these deep and relaxing breaths until you begin to experience each breath becoming more deep, slow and you enter into a state of relaxation.

I ask and intend to create a sacred space.
I ask and intend for my Spirit Family, Spirit Self and my Divine Creator to be present with me and help me to create and maintain this very sacred, clear and aligned space
I ask and intend that my Spirit Self be present to guide and direct this healing so that it will be powerful and aligned.
I ask and intend that all distracting energies and thoughts be banned from my experience and my sacred space now.
I ask and intend to release all mind chatter, completely quiet my mind and align my mind channels with zero point frequency and the Cosmic Mind
I ask and intend to clear to the root cause all energies and programs that cause me to be addicted or express addictive behaviour or personality traits in a safe and comfortable way.
I ask and intend to merge with my Divine Creator and become the aspect of Divine Father I truly am, as an expression of pure Divinity in human form.
And so it is.
(Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through the mouth)

Now imagine standing in a ball of light approx 12 ft from your physical body.
This ball of light is filled with very highly charged golden light.  This light has a slightly glowing quality and has golden light filaments throughout.  (Stay there for a moment with your attention of this sphere and the golden light within) 

This light energy is a Divine formula.  It holds the formula of wholeness…of human wholeness. (Pause)

 It is a support to your physical body and energy systems.  It holds the template, the program and energy that allows us to feel complete, to connect with the part of us that is whole and complete.  (Pause) 

Keeping your attention on the light within the sphere notice how your physical cells and muscles are being affected.  Notice the strengthening and supporting feeling that contact with this Divine frequency is causing.  Notice and allow every cell in your physical body to begin to feel whole, aligned centered.  Notice how your cells are changing as they remember this program,  they remember how they were originally designed to be and how they are finding their way home.    Notice every organ releasing the old programs of addiction, the programs that allowed us to feel as though we are not complete and programs that have us believing we are not Divine or true aspects of Divine Father.  (Pause)

Watch the debris of these old programs float away and be transmuted into new and beneficial energy, a natural and effortless part of the Universal recycling program.  (Pause) 

Now feel yourself right to the core.  Feel these new programs.  Feel what it is like inside your body to feel whole and complete.  Feel how it feels to be merged with Divine Father and Creator in a place where duality does not exist.  Feel in your belly and right down to your abdominal floor how these new programs feel, how they allow you to be and experience completion and wholeness.  (Pause)

Now imagine yourself expanding out, (pause) through the earth grid, (pause) through the planetary system, (pause)  through to the galactic core (pause) and through to the center of the Universe.   (pause)

(Read very slowly and only move on when you are experiencing and feeling it)  Imagine your belly is at the center of the universe and the giant ball of light that is Creator inside your belly.  Imagine your head is at one side of the Universe and your feet at the other.  (pause)  Feel within you the enormity of the energy contained within your belly.  (pause)  Feel the magnificence.  Feel the Divinity, (pause)  Feel the Truth, Beauty, Goodness, Love, Omnipotence, Omnipresence and Omniscience.  Feel the frequency of those principles, the quality contained within those principles within your physical body.  Feel them filling your entire physical body.  Imagine every cell, every particle of your being infused with these divine principles.  Feel how it is you…how these principles are you.  Feel how they are complete and cohesive with your own formula.  Feel how amazing these principles feel within you and feel the joy when your cells remember that this is what they are made from.  That this is the substance of their design.  Feel how each cell feels to remember this place…to finally have access to these Divine formulas and principles….to know they finally have the option to hold this state of being and remembrance at all times.  This is home, this is how things are meant to be.  Take a deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth.  (sit with your attention on this experience for a moment)

Now slowly begin to return through space, to the galactic core,  (pause)  Travel toward our sector and planetary system, (pause) toward earth and slowly back into your physical body.  (pause)  Bring your attention to your heart, and hold it there for a few seconds.  Now take your attention down through your body, anchoring the energy down into the core of the earth.  Whenever you are ready, open your eyes.  Sit in this energy for as long as you can for max benefit